A few favourite DJs

Three weeks of fun and, in this humble old radio guy's opinion, here are my personal top DJ favourites for the Spring 2007 semester: Matt & Georgie for enduring exhuberance; Monique & Jesse for quality nullus secundus; Andy & Tom for going beyond the expected; and Andrew Scott for the finest music this side of the moon. There is no way I could select just one show. And a huge thanks to everyone who smiled for the webcam.

Andrew reads a message all the way from Canada

You just never know who is listening to you in the middle of the night - even 4,000 miles away in Canada. Andrew presented a fine choice of music and opened my ears to some excellent talent I'd never heard. The dogsleds only get here every few months, so new music is slow coming to this part of the world. Thank heaven for the Internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.