A few favourite DJs

Three weeks of fun and, in this humble old radio guy's opinion, here are my personal top DJ favourites for the Spring 2007 semester: Matt & Georgie for enduring exhuberance; Monique & Jesse for quality nullus secundus; Andy & Tom for going beyond the expected; and Andrew Scott for the finest music this side of the moon. There is no way I could select just one show. And a huge thanks to everyone who smiled for the webcam.

Joe Clark & Andy Stewart

I don't know if Joe ever met Andy, but I met both of them and they both shook my hand.

Joe Clark became Prime Minister of Canada. For some reason not everyone was familiar with even his name, let alone who he was. He was known as Joe Who. His little airplane landed at Fort Qualicum and he walked across the grass, hobnobbing with local knaves, until he reached me, stretched forth his hand and said: "Hi! I'm Joe Clark." I'm not sure who he thought I thought he might be. Today Joe Clark is one of Canada's well-respected elder statesmen.

Andy Stewart. I loved Andy's cheeky antics and funny songs when I was a kid living in The Old Country. When my parents discovered record players and records at a music store in The New Country, they started collecting Scottish records. Any Scottish stuff would do. It was Campbellton Loch I Wish you were Whiskey or Donald Where's your Troosers or Scotland the Brave, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Anything with bagpipes. Just kidding! However, my parents did make sure our family got to attend any Scottish concert event that came to townn.

And then it happened. I was granted an audience with the Crown Prince of the Scottish Stage himself. What an honour it was to interview Andy Stewart in his underpants. Ladies and gentlemen, I kid you not! There he sat kiltless - just a shirt, underpants, stockings and shoes, while he sipped some refreshing Vancouver Island water just minutes before bounding onto the stage.

  • The things radio listeners never knew in those days!

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