A few favourite DJs

Three weeks of fun and, in this humble old radio guy's opinion, here are my personal top DJ favourites for the Spring 2007 semester: Matt & Georgie for enduring exhuberance; Monique & Jesse for quality nullus secundus; Andy & Tom for going beyond the expected; and Andrew Scott for the finest music this side of the moon. There is no way I could select just one show. And a huge thanks to everyone who smiled for the webcam.

Matt & Georgie

STAR FM has shown that students at the University of St. Andrews know how to work hard and have fun. Programs presented over the past two weeks have certainly been entertaining. For an old guy, I was able to handle listening to some of the new "stuff" as well as the not-so-new tunes and songs. Georgie, you kept Matt under control - most of the time. Your show had lots of variety, and it kept me awake as I worked on some research projects.

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